Residence and Atelier Hubert Kostner Castelrotto, 2010-2013
Perched along a ridge on the outskirts of the historic city-center, the house splits into two volumes that overlook the valley just beyond Castelrotto. The two wooden twins, joined at the hip and stilted above a concrete base contain the living quarters, while the artist’s gallery and double-height atelier are located below.
University of Virginia, School of Architecture, 2022 Hochschule Biberach, University of Applied Sciences, Wintersemester 2018/2019 BDA Kreisgruppe Neckar-Alb, Architekturexcursion Südtirol, 2018 Equator, Stockholm Sweden, 2018 HS Augsburg, University of Applied Sciences, Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen, 2018 Students of Architecture, Princeton, 2014, 2016, 2017 Gruppo Architetti da Torino, 2014
Three of a kind, MoDus Architects, Marco Pietracupa, Hans Ibelings 144 pages, black and white and full colour illustrations, 17 x 23,5 cm ISBN 9789081920797 Price: 25 euro
HÄUSER DES JAHRES 2013, Callwey, ISBN 978-3-7667-2037-5
DOC HOME, MAXXI Roma, 17-22 dicembre 2019 // more Milano Design Film festival, Milano, 19-22 ottobre 2017 // more // festivalstore ARCHFILMFEST, London, 6-11 June 2017 // more Art Doc Festival, 18.10.2016 ore 19:50 Uhr, Roma // more Trento Film Festival, 02.05.2016 ore 17:15 Uhr, 04.05.2016 ore 19:15 Uhr // more
COLLEZIONE MAXXI/19: la casa Hubert Kostner - MoDus Architects
Videobeitrag Südtirol Heute, ORF
Kulturzeitbeitrag, RAI Südtirol
Archmarathon: speech Modus Architects - Project Artist Residence And Atelier
Selected Press
Aussergewöhnliche Konstruktionen. Lignum, Holzwirtschaft Schweiz. Brochüre Nr.22 - Mai 2021 // more ELLE DECOR ITALIA, Dicembre-Gennaio 2020 // more W!D, WOHN!DESIGN, 6/2019 // more AD STYLE, China, 13.12.2018 // more AD Italia, ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST. LE PIÚ BELLE CASE DEL MONDO. N. 426-Dic. 2016, more Io Donna, CORRIERE DELLA SERA, 03.12.2016 // more Die besten Einfamilienhäuser, Callwey (29.10.15) Milk DEDORATION, #10, DEC/JAN/FÉV 2015 // more trä!, N.4/2014 // more a+d+m, N. 51, 2014 // more Living, CORRIERE DELLA SERA, N.12, 2014 // more SCHÖNER WOHNEN, Dezember 2014 // more Livingroome, designmagazine, June 2014 // more (31.03.2014) // more // more Floornature, portale di architettura e design internazionale (26.03.2014) // more Ottagono, Design Architecture Magazine (28.02.2014) // more DETAIL, Das Architekturportal (18.02.2014) // more THE PLAN 071, Dicembre 2013 // more journaldudesign, (30.08.2013) domus 967, March 2013 // more architektur.aktuell, No. 398, 5.2013 // more
PREMIO ARCHITETTURA CITTÁ DI ODERZO, XIV EDIZIONE 2014, PROGETTO VINCITORE // more German Design Award 2014: WINNER, CATEGORY ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIOR DESIGN // more World Architecturfestival 2013, Shortlisted // more
Künstler als Auftraggeber von zeitgenössischer Kunst, Bielefelder Kunstverein // more 25.04. - 12.07.2015 download catalogue
innesti/grafting Padiglione Italia, 14. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura la Biennale di Venezia // more 07.06. - 23.11.2014